Object: original Japanese woodblock print
Genre: ukiyo-e 浮世絵 pictures of the floating world
Artist: Keisai Eisen 渓斎英泉 (1790-1848), signed Keisai Eisen ga 渓斎英泉画
From the series: Tokaido Beauties 美人東海道
Print title: Yoshiwara Station 吉原駅
Top left inscription: I dip the brush for him / who fills my thoughts. / Spring scenery. 筆染る 思ひの種よ 春けしき (poem by Mikazukiren Asahian Asahimaru 三日月連旭庵旭丸)
Publisher: Tsutaya Kichizo 蔦屋吉蔵 (Koeido 紅英堂)
Censor’s seal: kiwame 極
Material: washi 和紙 Japanese paper
Technique: nishiki-e 錦絵 multi-coloured woodblock printing
Period: 1830s
Condition: signs of aging, restorations on wormholes
Dimensions: 24 x 36 cm
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